Wednesday 1 July 2015

New Beginnings for ACN-NW!

Today at 9am I walked into the new NW Office of Aid to the Church in Need. Yes, that’s right, a bright, shiny, new office in an actual office complex—no more working in my spare room, no more roaming around my house to find a spot where I can connect to the internet or talk on my ACN mobile phone! Hurray! 

Of course, I shall have to let my (entirely pet-based) staff go; the Head of Security (Jassy, my elderly golden retriever) and the Volunteer Co-ordinator (Max, my even older cat) are, let’s face it, well past the age for retirement and are no doubt looking forward to stepping away from their demanding professional routines and are probably at this very moment planning to buy a very small motor-home to do some touring around the NW. The two younger cats shouldn't find it difficult to secure ‘employment’ elsewhere—to be honest, they never contributed much to ACN-NW anyway.

Here is a view on my commute to my new office—not bad at all, for a daily walk to work!

View of Lancaster Canal
Here is a picture of the White Cross Buildings wherein my new office can be found (just so you know that I am not making this up!):

Approach to the the White Cross Buildings

Here I am in my new office:

NW Manager selfie in the new ACN-NW Office

The last people here very kindly left four HUGE desks, so that’s a start. I shall begin tomorrow to bring everything  from home and I shall update you regularly on my progress. This new office means also, by the way, that shortly we'll begin looking for a colleague (an actual human one!) to work with me. Needless to say, I am very much looking forward to this as there is so much to do!

I would like to thank all of you who have supported ACN-NW over the past fifteen months—it is because of your generous response that we at ACN have recognised the need for a bigger office and a new staff member. So, here’s a HUGE THANK YOU to all who have attended one or more ACN-NW events, taken part in Prayers from our Hearts, invited me into your school or parish, hosted an ACN appeal by someone from the ACN-NW team, offered to serve as an ACN Parish Rep, made a donation to ONE NIGHT or another ACN campaign, or just rang up to say hello and let us know that you are out there and supporting our work for the Persecuted Church. Many, many thanks and keep watching for more events and initiatives from ACN-NW!

Thanks for reading.
