Saturday 3 May 2014

This is just the best job EVER…

OK, I know that my last post was perhaps not of the upbeat, optimistic bent that you have come to expect from me. If I let you down, I am truly sorry. And to make up for it, today’s entry is bright and shiny and positive and everything uplifting that a blog about working for such a wonderful charity should be. Hurray!
The first half of my week was productive, if predictable, but on Thursday things really picked up. I travelled to Liverpool to attend the installation of the new Archbishop. Liverpool Lime Street Station was teaming with priests, monks, nuns and fancily dressed laity all heading by foot or taxi up Mount Pleasant to the Cathedral.  Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral was filled to bursting (more than 3000 people I believe!) and the Mass was beautiful. Fabulous music, loads of clergy, a wonderful homily by Archbishop McMahon…it was a very moving and very warm welcome to the new Archbishop. I was seated with William Pilkiewicz (the Area Secretary for Salford Diocese…on whom more below) in the ‘Catholic Associations’ section. I proudly sported my ACN lapel pin and wore my green suit that has previously gotten me through an episcopal ordination, an installation and a retirement Mass in honour of Bishop O’Donoghue when he left Lancaster several years ago. Archbishop McMahon spoke in his homily about the need for each and every baptised Catholic to evangelise and to help those who suffer or are persecuted.  1 May is the Feast of St Joseph the Worker and the new Archbishop also reminded us all that even ordinary people can make extraordinary contributions. It felt a bit like he was speaking just to me! I shall write to him shortly to set up a meeting; I am certain that in him ACN will find a kindred spirit!
After the Mass William and I went for a quick sandwich and a bit of a chat. I am meeting with all four of the NW Area Secretaries to get to know them and to make sure that they are happy and not lacking support in any way. We had a very informative and positive meeting. William has only begun to give parish appeals for us about 6 months ago and he is moving from strength to strength. Whatever you are doing, William, please keep on doing it!
Despite a signal failure outside of Wigan that kept me from home until 7 pm that evening, I ended the day as my usual positive self (I’d even managed to fix my phone by then!). Friday was another great day here at ACN NW. Much busy-ness took place—and when I shut down my computer at 6pm I honestly wished I had another few hours to finish up all that I had begun. I managed to organize a group meeting with the four Area Secretaries (you have NO IDEA how difficult it is to get five people to the same place at the same time on the same day!), I sorted out the final paper work for a new Parish Representative (from St Mary’s, Hornby in the Diocese of Lancaster!) and I caught up on some admin. I had a very informative meeting with Fr Jonathan Hemmings—Lancaster’s resident Greek Orthodox priest—where we agreed to keep in touch and explore ways of working together to help the Catholic and Orthodox Christians who are suffering so much in the Middle East and elsewhere. I now understand about the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, the Antiochan congregation and the various autocephalic churches. It is complex, but very interesting, and I am hopeful that we will be able to work together to make a difference.
To top off my lovely day, I got a phone call from the new Parish Representative from St John the Evangelist, Thornton Cleveleys (Lancaster Diocese). Our representative asked for some leaflets to hand out to parishioners after Mass and some prayer cards and reports to help the parish prayer group incorporate ACN into their prayer list. This is wonderful. Thank you Parish Rep!
And so ended my week. I find myself wishing that Monday was a work day and not a Bank Holiday. I cannot wait for next Tuesday! 
Thanks for reading!  Caroline

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